BABY MICROPHONE WITH FLASHING FLIGHT: Boys and girls as young as three months will love singing along with this safe and soft toy microphone. The happy star is also a flashing light that dazzles as the music plays. BRIGHT AND COLORFUL DESIGN: Toddler karaoke time is made extra fabulous with the vibrant colors and brilliant textures that adorn this adorable play microphone. LIGHT UP BUTTON KEEPS THE BEAT: As the cheerful melodies play the cute yellow star light flashes along in time. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND FUN SOUND EFFECTS: Choose between happy nursery rhyme music and silly sound effects. TEXTURED TEETHING RING: When it’s time to take five, a textured teether awaits that also features three colorful spinning rings for additional play.
Baby Microphone Toy. My First Kids Microphone with Sounds and Teethers / Rattle. Battery Operated Toy Microphone for Toddlers and Babies 3-36 Months
BABY MICROPHONE WITH FLASHING FLIGHT: Boys and girls as young as three months will love singing along with this safe and soft toy microphone. The h…
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