“Gotcha!” There’s no one more dedicated to catching bad guys than the brave Policeman. He may work out of the big city, but he’ll tirelessly pursue crooks no matter where they try to hide, risking life and limb every day while doing his duty to protect the public and uphold the law. Robbers may flee to the distant desert or the dense forest, but they’ll always hear the footsteps of the Policeman following behind them. And just when they think they’ve gotten away with the loot, there he’ll be with his shiny badge and handcuffs to arrest them and haul them off to jail. Break the law and beware: the Policeman always gets his Minifigure!
71000 Minifigure Series-9 Police Man
“Gotcha!” There’s no one more dedicated to catching bad guys than the brave Policeman. He may work out of the big city, but he’ll tirelessly pursue…
8 in stock
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