This is a 60 card, elite Venture into the Dungeon deck. This is a powerful deck that takes full advantage of the new venture into the dungeon mechanic. The deck features a ton of creatures and spells that trigger this ability, such as Yua-Ti Malison, Varis, Nadaar, and many more. The deck then adds a number of different effects that benefit from Venturing, such as Variss effect to create tokens, Hamas doubling of room triggers, Cloister gargoyles buff, etc. Not only to you benefit from the room abilities, but nearly every card either allows you to venture, synergizes with the venture mechanic, or both. This deck generated a ton of value, and also prioritizes efficiently-costed creatures that will be effective both in the early and mid-late game. This deck is PERFECT for anyone looking to play a fun, new, themed deck. This deck is remarkably powerful and features a number of powerful creatures and synergies. This deck has been play tested and is remarkably strong, not to mention a ton of fun to play!
MTG Decks & More Elite Venture into The Dungeon Deck – Bant – Green Blue White – Very Powerful – Modern & Pioneer Legal – Custom Built – Magic The Gathering – MTG – 60 Card!
This is a 60 card, elite Venture into the Dungeon deck. This is a powerful deck that takes full advantage of the new venture into the dungeon mecha…
8 in stock
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