This is a 100 card, Commander Izzet Spells deck. This deck is incredibly fun to play. The deck relies on using quick mana acceleration (primarily through 11 mana-generating artifacts) to cast Niv-Mizzet, Parun by turn 4-5. Once Niv-Mizzet is on the battlefield, the deck becomes very aggressive and Niv Mizzet does work! The deck featuress 31 different instants and sorceries, primarily focused on drawing a ton of cards (and even more cards with Niv-Mizzets ability), doing damage each time you draw a card, removing your opponents threats, and countering their spells. Niv-Mizzet is a formidable engine once on the battlefield! The deck further features several combo cards such as Curiosity, Ophidian Eye, and Tandem lookout. Each time you draw a card, Niv-Mizzet does 1 damage, which allows you to then draw an additional card with these 3 combo pieces, and so on. You can ping your opponent to death on the turn you cast Niv-Mizzet using this combo or, combined with psychosis crawler or Laboratory Maniac, you can win as you draw out your deck. This deck is PERFECT for anyone looking to play a fun, new, themed deck. This deck is remarkably powerful and features a number of powerful creatures and synergies. This deck has been play tested and is strong, not to mention a ton of fun to play!
Niv-Mizzet Commander Deck – Izzet Spells – Blue Red Storm – EDH – 100 Card – Custom Magic The Gathering Deck – Very Strong!
This is a 100 card, Commander Izzet Spells deck. This deck is incredibly fun to play. The deck relies on using quick mana acceleration (primarily t…
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